
New Shortcode – Review Link Button

Just a quickie.

Users like visual cues and often respond better to an image than the 1000 words it represents 😉

So we’ve added a new shortcode – %%review_link_button%% – that replaces the text link to have your customers review your product  with a button.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes!


Changes to the Email Template Creator

Adding All Items

A lot of you just have one set of templates, so you want those to go out to all your buyers. We’ve made that a little easier with our new ‘Use For All Items’ switch.

Turning this on (as seen above) means that this template will apply to all orders in the selected marketplace, regardless of which item was bought. It has the added benefit of being ‘always on’, so if you add new items for sale in Amazon you don’t need to worry about remembering to add them to your email template.

Choosing Individual Items

Some of you have a LOT of different items for sale, and our old way of choosing items for an email template just couldn’t handle it. We’ve now added a paged view of your items, complete with search box. Clicking the check box next to an items adds it. Simple!

Why Add Items?

We get this question a lot, so it’s worth addressing here. You have to add some or all of your items into an email template so the template knows who to send to.



More Stats! See your success in Category Ranking

In another new feature, we’ve rolled out Category Ranking stats and charts.

We’ve always shown you how Amazon is ranking your items. Now we are keeping a history of that, and showing you the trend in each Category. As with almost everything in ZonMaster, we track ALL your items for ALL the categories. We really hate limits.

How To See The Amazon Category Ranking

We’re showing this in two places. First is on the items detail page. We give you a quick display of all categories and whether things are looking up (or down).

For each category you can click on the name to go to that Category on Amazon.

Clicking on the ‘Details’ link takes you to a page showing graphs of all your ranking history, in all categories, for this item. We only started track from January 1st, 2017, so as of this writing the charts are pretty bare. Give us time!

If things are looking up the Trend line is in green. If not, it will be in red.

Amazon Category Ranking

This is just the first rollout of this feature. We will be improving the robustness over time.

Again, as always, this Category Rank tracking is available on ALL ZonMaster subscriptions.


Add Your Store Logo To Your Emails

Increase Your Brand Visibility

One thing that many Amazon FBA sellers strive for is brand awareness (we’ve linked in a cool article about building brand awareness). And one key to this in the crowded (dare I say ‘bustling’?) space of the Amazon Marketplace is a great logo.

Now in your ZonMaster email templates you can automatically include your store logo in emails going out to your customers.

Here’s how

1 – Upload Your Store Logo

  1. Go to your Amazon Stores page (here)
  2. Choose your Amazon store (you can have a different logo per store. Indeed, you HAVE to upload a logo to each store, they can’t be shared)
  3. Use the file uploader on the right to upload a logo.

We have a placeholder logo there for you (don’t worry, it won’t get sent out, even if you use the tags and don’t upload a logo)

The Logo Uploader


2 – Edit Your Templates

  1. Go to you Email Templates (here)
  2. Choose the Template you wish to edit
  3. Include one of the following tags in your email, whereever you wish to show your logo
    1. %%store_logo_small%% for a 100×100* sized version of YOUR Amazon store logo
    2. %%store_logo_medium%% for a 300×300* sized version of YOUR Amazon store logo
    3. %%store_logo_full%% for the full sized (whatever you uploaded) version of YOUR Amazon store logo

That’s it!

(* when we say 100×100 or 300×300 we mean that your logo will be resized so that it’s biggest dimension will be a maximum of 100 or 300 pixels. We don’t mean we’ll make your logo square, no matter what it is!)

Here at ZonMaster we’re committed to constant improvements in our service! Let us know how we’re doing.


[New Marketplace] ZonMaster Supports Amazon Japan

Amazon FBA Japan Support

A lot of you have requested this and now we are happy to report that ZonMaster supports all you Amazon Sellers who are selling on (Japan).

All our features including review matching and seller feedback support are available in this new marketplace. All ZonMaster accounts have access to this new territory.

How To Add An Amazon Japan Account

The process is that same as other marketplaces.

  1. Go your Stores page (find it here)
  2. Click ‘Add New Amazon Store
  3. Select ‘Amazon JP‘ from the Select Marketpalce dropdown
  4. You’ll see instructions on how to get your Amazon JP MWS auth token and give us access. Make sure you save the auth token they give you.
  5. Fill in a clever store name
  6. Enter your Amazon JP Seller ID
  7. Enter your Amazon JP MWS Auth Token (that you got in step 4)
  8. Click Validate

We’ll go off and make sure everything is hunky dory and if it is (which it should be) you’ll be prompted for the sending email information.

We’ll start pulling down your Amazon Japan info as soon as possible.

Please Note

If you want review matching and seller feedback pulled down you need to give us the addition Seller Central permissions (see the video here about that), but this time for

That’s it!

Then you too can start seeing reviews like this!

Instruction Updates

Receive instant SMS/Email Alerts on Negative Feedback and Reviews

You know, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – our customers are the best source of ideas for new features!

This one came directly from a group of you that wanted a better way to hear about negative seller feedback and reviews. So we came up with this one: how about we notify you instantly via email, Twitter or even SMS?

So we did it!

Great Amazon FBA Customer Service

We think that for any serious Amazon FBA Seller – indeed for anyone serious about business – customer service is really important. Here at ZonMaster we treat it as priority #1 and I’m sure you do the same. Getting negative feedback from a customer is an opportunity to find out where you went wrong and to try and fix the situation. That’s why we think getting this notification as fast as possible is a good thing. Also, the faster you respond the better chance you have of rescuing the relationship with your customer. (Oh, did I just give a lesson on customer service?! Sorry!).

Anyway, now in ZonMaster you can configure notifications to be sent out on a store by store basis. Below I’ve got a video, but, I just want to make this point clear:

If you sell in Amazon US and Amazon EU (or India or wherever) you can (have to) configure these notification settings on a store by store basis inside ZonMaster. That means that notifications for a negative review in Europe can go to your European support team and the US ones go to your North American team.

Again, there is a video, but, the basics are

  • Log In To ZonMaster
  • Go To You Stores Page
  • Choose a Store
  • Edit the settings for Notifications. These are ‘inline editing’ fields, so just click on the values you want to change


Here’s a full video of making the changes

[youtube id=0vsCGaKat3Y]


[Updates] Global Sales Map

sales by country

Where in the World?

Carrying on from our update that broke down sales by ‘Channel’ (i.e. Amazon site), we’ve added a further analysis of yours sales – this time by country. You access this chart by clicking on ‘Country Details’ below the Channels pie chart on the Orders overview page (

This information is very enlightening because Sales Channel does not really give you the full picture.

The above seller’s Sales Channel pie chart looks like this:


Not too helpful.

Because Amazon offers you a global platform, you can better serve your customers by seeing where they are. The interesting thing about the country graph is that you can see that maybe you’d be better off listing on Amazon EU directly, if you are getting some interest from customers in Europe.

The other thing is to know if you need to follow up in different languages.

Information is good! The more you know about your sales the better you can increase those sales.


[Updates] Sales Breakdown By Channel

Just a quickie here.

We’ve added a pie chart (the tastiest of all the charts!) to your orders overview page that shows you which channels (i.e. Amazon site) your orders came from.

For some of you selling only on this might not be so interesting, but those of you with a more global (or international) view you might find some surprising numbers here!

sales-by-channelMultiple Markets

Did you know that if you use FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) Amazon will AUTOMATICALLY list your product in markets in the same region? That means that items listed on (for example) will automatically show up on (Germany), (Italy), (Spain) and (France).

The seller who generated these stats knows it now, if they didn’t know it before. You can also see that France and Germany are actually placing more orders than the ‘home’ market of (in this case).

Like we always say, you can never have too much information when it comes to your sales!


We hope you find these chart interesting, and there’s more to come!

See there charts in YOUR ZonMaster account here:

As usual, these charts are available to all our users, regardless of plan level.



[Updates] Order Timelines

I won’t lie. We’re pretty excited about this one.

On EVERY order we’ve added a timeline so you can see what happened and when. This includes

  • Purchase Time
  • Shipping Time
  • Delivery Time
  • Estimated Delivery Time
  • Email Sends
  • Review Dates
  • Seller Feedback Dates

No other Amazon Seller tool gives you this much info, so easily accessible.

Order Timeline


Hovering over the title of any event will give you the specific timestamp for that event.

What Are the Advantages?

When you know this much data it’s easy to see how effective your email campaigns are being.

Also, you can find out if your emails are going out at the right time.

In the order below we can see that the first email (which was a shipment notification) actually got sent after the item was delivered. This is because as Amazon speeds up their shipment processing you’ll need to update your email template send times.

Late Email


Knowledge is Power

Ok, we’re data nerds, but still we strongly believe that you can’t improve if you don’t know what’s going on. With our recently enhancements to show more stats and charts we think we’re giving you the tools you need to optimize your business. We hope you agree.

As always, these tools are available on ALL our plans.


[Updates] Order Overview Graphs

More Stats On Orders

In the second of our releases that exposes more stats, this time we’ve got a graph that gives you an overview of your orders.

This graph can be found on the orders listing page:

Broken down by month, and going back as far as we have orders for your stores, we show you how many orders, number of items shipped and reviews you received. It looks something like this:

Order Totals


Hovering over any of the data points gives you a break down for that month’s stats.

Order Info 2

With this kind of information we hope that you can spot trends and hot items much easier.