
Unlocking the Secrets of Your Amazon Seller ID

How to Find Your Amazon Seller ID

Are you eager to uncover the hidden treasures of your Amazon Seller ID? Look no further! In this guide, we will walk you through the process of finding your Amazon Seller ID. Whether you’re a seasoned seller or just starting out, understanding your Seller ID is crucial for maximizing your success on the platform.

Discovering Your Amazon Seller ID

The Amazon Seller ID, also known as a Merchant ID, plays a pivotal role in identifying your storefront and the products you offer. Finding this coveted identifier is a simple and hassle-free process.

To locate your Seller ID, navigate to your Amazon storefront URL. You can access it through Seller Central or by following the breadcrumbs of your product listings. Look for the link within the “sold by” section, which will lead you to your “[Seller Name] Storefront.”

Within the URL of your storefront, you will find two crucial IDs. The first is the Amazon Marketplace ID, representing the specific Amazon marketplace you operate in. The second is your Merchant ID, displayed as “me=[your ID].”

Obtaining Your Amazon Seller ID

To obtain your Amazon Seller ID, simply copy the string of numbers that follows “me=” in the URL. This unique combination of digits is your exclusive Amazon Seller ID, granting you access to a world of opportunities.

Optimizing Your Amazon Seller ID for Success

Understanding the significance of your Amazon Seller ID is vital, but it doesn’t end there. To leverage its power effectively, consider implementing the following strategies:

  1. Enhance Your Brand Visibility: Strategically incorporate your Seller ID within product URLs and your storefront, making it easy for customers to identify your brand and products.
  2. Win the Buy Box: Utilize your Seller ID to direct customers to purchase from you instead of other sellers on the same listing. Share a URL that includes your Seller ID to increase your chances of winning the Buy Box and capturing more sales.
  3. Drive External Traffic: Leverage your Seller ID to create specialized URLs for external marketing efforts. This allows you to track the effectiveness of different channels and promotions, optimizing your external traffic strategy.

Unleash the Potential of Your Amazon Seller ID with Zonmaster’s Landing Page Generator

Ready to take your Amazon business to new heights? Introducing Zonmaster’s Landing Page Generator, a powerful service designed to enhance your brand visibility and conversion rates. Powered by advanced technology, including ChatGPT4, Zonmaster’s Landing Page Generator enables you to create captivating landing pages tailored to your Amazon products.

With Zonmaster’s Landing Page Generator, you can effortlessly create personalized landing pages for different channels, promotions, or variable testing. These engaging and persuasive pages ensure a seamless and delightful experience for your customers. Elevate your brand’s visibility, drive more external traffic, and increase your chances of conversion with Zonmaster’s innovative solution.

Don’t miss out on this game-changing opportunity. Supercharge your Amazon business with Zonmaster’s Landing Page Generator and unlock the true potential of your Amazon Seller ID. Visit Zonmaster’s website to start your free trial today!


How to Re-Optimize Your Amazon Listings for Increased Sales


Amazon is a vast marketplace with millions of products for sale. In order to stand out from the competition and attract buyers, it is important to have well-optimized Amazon listings. This means using keywords that potential buyers are likely to search for, providing clear and concise product descriptions, and using high-quality images.

When to Re-Optimize Your Listings

There are a few key indicators that it may be time to re-optimize your Amazon listings:

  • Your sales have plateaued or declined.
  • You’re not ranking as high as you used to in search results.
  • You’re receiving negative reviews.
  • Your product is out of stock.
  • There have been changes to Amazon’s algorithm.

How to Re-Optimize Your Listings

There are a number of things you can do to re-optimize your Amazon listings, including:

  • Use relevant keywords in your product title and description. When potential buyers search for products on Amazon, they use keywords to narrow down their results. Make sure your product title and description include the keywords that your target audience is likely to use.
  • Write clear and concise product descriptions. Your product description is your chance to sell your product to potential buyers. Make sure it is well-written, informative, and easy to read.
  • Use high-quality images. Images are a powerful way to sell your product. Make sure your images are high-quality, visually appealing, and relevant to your product.
  • Price your product competitively. Price is a major factor in purchase decisions. Make sure your product price is competitive with similar products on Amazon.
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews. Positive reviews are a great way to increase sales and build trust with potential buyers. Encourage customers to leave reviews for your product, and respond to any negative reviews promptly and professionally.

Using Zonmaster to Re-Optimize Your Listings

Zonmaster is a powerful tool that can help you re-optimize your Amazon listings. Zonmaster offers a variety of features that can help you improve your product titles, descriptions, images, prices, and reviews. With Zonmaster, you can easily identify areas where your listings can be improved, and you can make the necessary changes quickly and easily.


Re-optimizing your Amazon listings is an important part of maintaining a successful business on the platform. By following the tips in this article, you can improve your listings and increase your sales.

Additional Tips

In addition to the tips listed above, here are a few additional things you can do to re-optimize your Amazon listings:

  • Use A+ Content. A+ Content is a paid feature that allows you to add additional information to your product listings, such as high-resolution images, videos, and product demonstrations. A+ Content can help you make your listings more appealing to potential buyers and increase your sales.
  • Optimize your product for Amazon’s buy box. The buy box is the area on the product detail page where buyers can add the product to their cart and purchase it. There are a number of factors that affect which seller gets the buy box, including price, shipping speed, and seller feedback. You can improve your chances of getting the buy box by optimizing your product for these factors.
  • Track your performance. It is important to track the performance of your Amazon listings so that you can see what is working and what is not. You can use Amazon’s Seller Central to track your sales, reviews, and other metrics. By tracking your performance, you can identify areas where you need to make changes to your listings in order to improve your results.

By following these tips, you can re-optimize your Amazon listings and improve your sales.


4 Ways to Use Amazon Marketplace Strategies to Fuel Business Growth

A strong Amazon Marketplace strategy is essential for generating new business because most consumers begin their product search on Amazon.

The contribution of Amazon to the profitability of numerous brands is evident, especially considering its market share of almost 40% in the US e-commerce industry. Consequently, the focus for brands should shift from the decision of whether to sell on Amazon Marketplace to figuring out ways to expand their business on Amazon.

Are there specific elements of an Amazon Marketplace strategy that can guarantee success?

One of the initial considerations for brands is choosing between Amazon’s invite-only Vendor Central platform (also known as 1P) or the Seller Central platform (also known as 3P).

Sellers can gain greater control and have access to more detailed reporting with the 3P option, allowing them to observe the real- time effect of their strategies and promotions. While the 3P marketplace offers a more flexible response to dynamic consumer behavior, it also requires more resources and a workforce. Companies might have to increase their personnel to manage the platform’s complexities, which include its nuances.

Besides, there are additional factors to consider. Amazon’s emphasis on profitability has led to increased scrutiny of chargebacks and other fees by 1P vendors. Additionally, Amazon is terminating its 1P partnership with distributors in Europe and recommending that they join the 3P platform instead. Under 1P, Amazon controls the selling price, while 3P vendors have the autonomy to manage their own pricing (though this entails more effort, it provides greater control).

After making the fundamental decisions, you can begin shaping your brand identity on the platform.

Having a well-organized supply chain is crucial. Maintaining ample product inventory can significantly boost your success on Amazon. If sales velocity decreases, the search algorithm may penalize your listings, and it could take considerable time to regain momentum unless you’re an established household name.

Being aware of Amazon’s policies and algorithms is vital for successful sellers. To some extent, conducting business on Amazon Marketplace is a marketing endeavor. Amazon’s algorithm prioritizes conversion rates, and understanding the subtleties of incremental sales is critical for swiftly adjusting and allocating resources accordingly to focus on the strategies that work.

Excellent strategists don’t simply ship their inventory to Amazon and rely on the platform’s market dominance to accomplish the rest of the work. Instead, they actively prioritize their Amazon Marketplace strategy.

What are some ways for brands to implement these Amazon Marketplace strategies?

By comprehending how the platform operates, brands can utilize Amazon Marketplace as a revenue driver and a means to connect with new customers. The following are a few methods that sellers can employ to put their strategy elements into practice and expand their businesses on Amazon:

1. Plan for additional inventory

To maintain customer satisfaction, Amazon Marketplace necessitates sufficient inventory stock from sellers. Brands must have a clear understanding of their supply chains and prepare for the extra inventory required for Amazon sales, while still maintaining enough inventory for their other retail channels. As an Amazon Marketplace vendor, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have adequate stock levels.

Effective inventory management can offer several advantages, particularly in terms of your brand’s financial health. By gaining better control over your inventory, you can forecast demand more accurately, ensuring that you have enough stock to meet consumer needs. As a result, you can improve your cash flow and enjoy a healthy supply chain that can benefit your business.

2. Read the reviews and reports

Amazon can provide valuable unbiased reviews to help you understand what resonates with consumers. Reading these reviews can help you gain insights into what people like and dislike about a product. Additionally, conducting A/B tests on messaging can reveal which approaches are most effective at converting interest into sales. When you convert well, you are more likely to sell, and Amazon’s algorithm will prioritize

your products accordingly. Amazon Marketplace also provides valuable data about customer searches and buying habits, which can offer deep insights that you can use to optimize your business strategy. With all this data readily available, it’s important to use it to your advantage.

Keeping up with reviews can be challenging, but it presents an opportunity for creativity. As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly prevalent, businesses can explore how to strategically leverage it. One effective

approach is to use AI to analyze and summarize reviews, highlighting the top five positive and top five negative points. With this strategy, the content practically writes itself, providing a simple yet effective way to glean insights from customer feedback.

3. Write to your customers

Although it’s often believed that Amazon isn’t an ideal platform for conveying your brand voice, it can actually be a great place to engage with customers. Compelling content can
be a powerful tool for setting your pages apart. However, it’s important to tailor your writing to Amazon’s specific guidelines and audience. The content that performs well on your direct-to-consumer or social media channels may not translate directly to Amazon, but with some adjustments, it can be effective. When crafting content for Amazon, it’s essential to prioritize conversion and algorithms while also using your words to build your brand.

To create an effective product description on Amazon, it’s crucial to incorporate SEO keywords that align with the platform’s search algorithm. Amazon’s priority is to help users find the products they’re looking for quickly and efficiently, and using the right keywords can make your product more visible when customers search for related items. By optimizing your product description with relevant SEO keywords, you can increase the chances of your product appearing in the search results and attracting potential buyers.

4. Think of the whole funnel

As Amazon continues to expand its advertising capabilities, it’s essential for brands to have a comprehensive understanding of the entire consumer journey. It’s important to note that consumers may take several weeks to make a final decision on a purchase after entering a particular product category. To achieve success as an Amazon seller, it’s critical to stay attuned to your customers and leverage early indicators to make data-driven decisions about where to allocate your advertising budget.

To effectively grow your business on Amazon, it’s crucial to understand the core elements that have made the Marketplace such a dominant force. Amazon’s success can largely be attributed to its reliance on data and digital marketing principles. Despite a challenging economic climate, Amazon sellers are still seeing significant growth and profitability because they closely monitor consumer behavior and use data to refine their strategies. By leveraging these insights and making informed decisions, Amazon sellers can make calculated moves and optimize their performance without taking on unnecessary risks or investing excessive amounts of capital.

Are you an Amazon seller looking to connect with your customers and optimize your sales funnels? Don’t miss out on Zonmaster! Our easy-to-use auto-responder and CRM tool powered by ChatGPT can help you set up automated email campaigns, request feedback, and offer discounts effortlessly. With Zonmaster’s powerful analytics tools, you can fine-tune your email campaigns for better engagement and sales. Sign up now and start boosting your Amazon business today! Don’t let your competitors get ahead – act fast and take your Amazon business to the next level with Zonmaster.


How to Set the Stage for Your Small Business’s Growth

Growing a business is an exciting venture, but determining where to start and how to make upgrades can be difficult. Here’s how you can set the stage for business growth.

Selling online? Zonmaster can help you manage reviews and seller feedback. Start a free trial!

Create a Roadmap

Writing down goals is an essential step in setting the stage for your business growth. These goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely). They should also stretch you beyond your comfort zone. But remember, don’t overdo it — focus on achievable objectives that are in line with your long-term vision of your business.

Streamline Using BPM

To ensure your business is in the best position to succeed and grow, automation through Business Process Management (BPM) should be carefully considered. This will streamline processes, resulting in faster and cost-effective solutions to common problems that exist inside business operations. By introducing automation to your day-to-day operations, tasks can be completed more quickly and efficiently. Automation further opens up new opportunities for further growth as it allows staff to focus on more meaningful work, instead of repetitive ones.

Strengthen Your Business Knowledge

If you feel like there are still gaps in your knowledge about running a successful business, then enrolling yourself in courses related specifically to helping small business owners thrive might be worth considering — especially if they cover topics such as finance and accounting fundamentals or project management best practices, which could prove invaluable during times of rapid expansion. Even taking part-time classes will give you access not only to knowledge but also to mentorship opportunities.

Ramp Up Online Marketing

Having an online presence is crucial when looking to grow your business. Make sure you have an up-to-date website that accurately reflects the current state of your company and its products or services. You should also have social media accounts where you can engage with customers and update them on new products or services.

Marketing plays a vital role in getting your name out there and increasing brand awareness among potential customers. Utilizing email campaigns and investing in search engine optimization (SEO) tactics are both great ways of achieving this goal while also keeping costs relatively low compared with other forms of marketing like paid advertising or sponsorships. Focusing on content marketing strategies such as blogging will help you to nurture leads into conversions over time.

Invest in Business Cards

Business cards are a simple yet effective tool for growing your business, as they give potential customers and clients an easy way to contact you. They work as a form of advertisement, allowing you to quickly spread the word about your products and services. Business cards also create a sense of professionalism and legitimacy, helping to inspire trust in those who receive them. Additionally, when exchanged, business cards can spark conversations with prospects and help grow your network. If you want to design business cards cheaply using modifiable templates, give this a try.

Focus on Customer Service

Customer service sets the tone for how customers perceive your brand, so having good customer service measures in place is essential for business growth. Investing in customer service technologies such as chatbots or automated emails can help save valuable time while providing helpful support for customers who may have questions about your products or services. Responding quickly and personally through social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram also shows customers that you care about their needs.

Protect Your Business for the Long Term

It may be beneficial for small businesses looking for room to grow to consider registering as an LLC or limited liability company. Doing this protects your personal assets if there are any legal issues involving the company and offers advantages such as tax savings and greater credibility. Registering as an LLC will also open up additional financing opportunities and provide easier access to contracts.

As you can see, setting up the stage for your business growth requires attention across the board, ranging from designing business cards to registering yourself as an LLC to business process management. Taking each, one step at a time, will ensure steady progress towards meeting and even exceeding your business goals.


RSVP: Tips for Using a Product Insert

Product inserts are seen as a low-cost marketing tactic, but are they just that or more?

Are they even effective at increasing sales, like Amazon’s URL shortener?

Should an Amazon seller use them?

This post answers all your questions about product descriptions and explains why you might be missing out if you’re not using them.

What is a Product Insert?

A Product Insert is anything – a business card, postcard, flyer or coaster(!) – that you put in the box with your product. Obviously they need to be IN the packaging, so if you are doing FBA you will need your suppliers to put them in there during the packaging process.

Product Inserts have a lot of good points in their favor – they can talk directly to the buyer about the good parts of your business and product.

Top 5 Reasons To Use Product Inserts

1) Earn More Reviews

It seems like a ‘chicken and egg’ situation – to sell more products you need reviews and to get reviews you need to sell more products.

At Zonmaster we say that the trick to getting more reviews is deceptively simple: ask for them! A simple printed card saying ‘Please leave us a Review’ will have a significant impact on your review count (as does sending an email via Zonmaster or using our Auto Review Request Tool!).

To ensure that you don’t run afoul of Amazon’s Terms of Service make sure that you in no way imply that you only want positive reviews.

2) Promote Your Other Products

Product Inserts are a great way to get your other products that you are selling on Amazon (you are selling more than one thing, right?) in front of more customers, without having to pay for advertising or clicks.

This is a great way to highlight slow-selling products, or related products. And your customer is much more likely to buy from you a second time. if you are careful you can even offer a discount (more on this later) to help you shift some of those slow sellers!

3) Customer Relationship Building

We all like to feel special, and maybe it seems obvious to you but customers like to be told ‘thank you’ and how important and valued they are.

To build the customer relationship (or any relationship, really) the first thing is to be open. Highlight that you are interested in hearing any complaints the customer might have. This also has the added benefit of somewhat deflecting any negative seller feedback.

Aside from a simple ‘please comment’ card, put other little surprises in the box. Customers love it.

4) Buyer Targeting

You already know what the customer is interested in – the just bought it! A great leveraging tool to use here is to include free samples of other products (if possible). As mentioned in point 2, related products will have a much smoother road to a purchase here.

5) Low Cost Marketing

Product Inserts, when compared to PPC and other channels, are a huge bargain. The hit rate is much higher and the knock on positives can’t be duplicated with just another online ad.

How To Stay on the Good Side of Amazon’s TOS

1) Promote the product, not your website

Amazon is all about keeping the customer. So do not include a ‘call to action’ on your printed materials either. Do NOTEVER! – ask the customer to buy from your website.

2) Neutral Language for Reviews

Another big no-no in the eyes of Amazon is in any way asking for only positive reviews. Don’t say things like ‘if you love this product leave a review’.

That being said, it is a good practice to encourage buyers to contact you directly in case of questions or complaints so that their issue may be resolved and a negative review can be avoided.

3) Don’t Mention Reviews and Discounts in the same place

Don’t ever say this: ‘Leave us a review and get a 10% discount!’

Not unless you want to see Amazon go crazy.

What you can do is, preferably on the other side of the paper from where you ask for a review, have a ‘no strings attached’ coupon code.

4) Make Sure They See The Insert

If you’re going to go to the trouble of putting the insert in the box make sure they see it! Use bright colors! Or special paper. And use some imagination.

The next best thing to a product insert is to use the tools on Zonmaster! Our powerful email templating system lets you set up custom emails that can go out to just the right customers at just the right time. Or save yourself the trouble of writing emails let Zonmaster automatically trigger Amazon’s own Review Request feature!

Start your free trial today! Learn more over at the Zonmaster website!

Updates Instruction

New, Improved Zonmaster Order Manager

We’ve uploaded a new video to our YouTube Channel that details the functions and features of our new Order Manager page.

You can see the video here:

For those of you who prefer to read we’ll try to summarize things here.

Accessing the Order Manager

To get to the order manager select Orders from the Orders menu at the top.

The order manager provides all your details for both Amazon and Merchant (FBA and MFN) fulfilled orders.

Search and Filter

You can search and filter on a variety of aspects:

  • Date Range
  • ASIN
  • SKU
  • Buyer Email
  • Shipment details like city, state, postal code or tracking number.

For date ranges you can search on a predefined set of ranges, or enter in exact dates.As we’ll see later, you can also set date ranges by click on our charts.

On top of the searching, you can also filter your data.You can filter by

  • Fulfilment Channel
  • Orders that used promotions
  • Orders that generated seller feedback
  • Limit by marketplace here, or by chart clicking.
  • Order status – from unshipped to delivered, or returned or refunded
  • Whether the buyer is a repeat buyer
  • If the order or buyer has been marked as Do Not Solicit
  • Whether the order has been sent emails, not been sent emails or is has an email waiting to go out.
  • Whether an order has or has not had a review requested via Amazon’s review request feature.

Whew that’s a lot of filters!

But there’s more!

You can also filter orders by clicking on the charts at the top of the page. These charts show your entire history that we have inside Zonmaster. If you want to see orders for a specific channel, you can click that channel in the Sales By Channel pie chart. You can also limit by month by clicking on the month is the sales bar charts. These two can be combined as well, or also combined with any filters you might have set in the filter section.

You can set any of these things, then click filter to update the table below.

Order Data

The order details we show here are

  • The marketplace
  • How the order was fulfilled
  • The purchase date
  • Some order info such as order id, how many items were purchases and what asins and skus were purchased. You can click on the Order ID to go to the order details page on Zonmaster, or, you can click on the little amazon  logo to be taken to the order details page on Amazon. We show more info on our page I think
  • Order status icon. You can hover over this to get a little more info, or see the full info on the order page.
  • Basic location info of the shipment, like city and region or state or province, depending on country.
  • Quick summary of how many emails this order has been sent, if there is seller feedback from this order and whether a review request has been issued.

Select and Act on Orders

We also have a bunch of actions you can do on an order or orders if you select them. You select orders by clicking on the select box in the first column.If you select and order and go to the top of the select column you’ll see a dropdown. (you can also click on the box there to select or deselect all orders showing)

Send On Demand Email

You can see the first item after the selected order count is ‘Send Email’. Zonmaster finally gives you the ability to manually send an email template to an order.

If you choose the ‘Send Email’ option that dropdown a popup will appear.

Here you can choose what email template to send out. If you need to create a new template or want to edit an existing one you can click on the link in the green note at the bottom. If you choose a template from the dropdown the preview area will appear and you can see how to email will look to your buyer when they receive it.You’ll see that this is a good reason to give your email templates good names!

It’s important to note that the email WON’T go out if

  • the order or buyer is marked as DNS
  • the order has already received the email template before.

If you’re happy with it you can click continue to review, and then click send now to have the emails queued to be sent as soon as possible.

Other Actions

From the drop down you can also set orders as Do Not Solicit for Order. That means that no more emails will go out for the selected orders. If you choose Do Not Solicit for Buyer  – previously called Blacklist on Zonmaster – that means that no more emails will go to that buyer, for this order or any future orders they may buy from you.If you select these you’ll see the status updated on the order row. It can of course be easily removed.

Custom DNS Upload Tool

If you have existing list of orders you want marked as DNS you can use our Custom DNS Upload tool which can be found under the Orders menu.You can paste in up to 1000 Amazon order ids, select the action you want – either DNS on the Order or DNS on the Buyer – and whether you are setting or removing the flags. Click submit and that’s it!

We hope you like the enhancements we’ve made to the Order Manager!

Zonmaster helps Amazon sellers monitor, manage, and automate emails, product reviews, orders, and feedback. Build professional email templates with gifs, emojis, buttons, and attachments. A/B test subject lines and view open rate analytics. Send or exclude emails based on triggers such as refunds, shipment, delivery, feedback, and repeat buyers. Track and manage all product reviews. Instant notifications whenever a review is posted.

Start your free trial today!


7 Tips For Better Listing Descriptions

You’ve done all the work – found the product, done the packaging, had it shipped to Amazon, got it listed, run some ads – and now people are actually coming to your product page on Amazon.

But what do they find? We’ve covered elsewhere ways to improve your overall listing quality, but in this article let’s dive into basic copywriting skills to make that product description the best it can be.

Reign in the Tech Speak

Yes, people want to know that your socks are the best at keeping them warm. No, people do not want to know the thickness of the thread used in making those socks.

Learn to distil down the technical details into what people want to know versus what facts and figures you have available.

Specs and Sizes

No, this does not contradict point #1! ?

Amazon gives you space to list 5 features of your products. Use ONE of those slots to explain the technical aspects of your product (if necessary).

Do not look at these tech specs as selling points, but purely informational and a great way to back up any claims you may make elsewhere in your listing.

Write to the Audience

We here at Zonmaster believe in the concept of creating a ‘customer sketch’ and using that to inform your marketing. So, pick who you want to buy your product and write your copy to that person!

Know what they want. Look at how your competition addresses the audience too. And look at reviews! Customers will tell you exactly what was good and bad about a product and often it will be a description of what they wish they’d known before buying.

Find Your USP

Your USP is your Unique Selling Proposition. Find a way to set your product apart from the competition. That can be key benefits or unique features.

Steve Jobs famously believed in selling experiences rather than products. That approach was Apple’s USP.

Keyword, Keyword, Keyword

Check our other article about finding keywords, but here let’s just say that it is vital that you weave the keywords that people are searching for into your descriptions.

We can’t say it enough: keyword research can make or break your Amazon selling experience.

Be Yourself, Be Honest

90% of customers have a pretty good BS meter. They know – and have probably heard before – any outlandish claims that you might make about your product. They won’t fall for it and forever they will lump you into the BS Artist category.

Treat people like you would want to be treated (why this one simple concept is so difficult for people to follow is beyond us!)

No product is infallible. Your customers will appreciate your honesty if you point out some things that your product WON’T do for them!

Call To Action

Without being overly spammy, urge your buyers to actually BUY! If your product is limited, tell them it’s limited. Tell them to buy 2 if it really will be out of stock for a month or so. Also, consider bundles. They motivate people.

At the end of your features list, make sure the customer knows that now is when they are supposed to buy.

If you are selling on Amazon you really should be using Zonmaster – the Leading AutoResponder Tool for Amazon Sellers. It’s much more than an autoresponder tool – it’s a customer contact system, a review, product and order manager as well. It even can track your true profits.

Sign up today for your free trial! Subscriptions start at just $6.99 a month.


6 Ways To Find New Amazon Trends

A special kind of joy is evoked when you win the Buy Box on a hot trending product on Amazon. It’s what all Amazon Sellers wish for. But how to spot a trend or a hot product?

Below we’re going to give you 6 good ways to get the jump on what’s hot.

Study Amazon’s Own ‘Best Seller’ Listings

Visit any Amazon website and click on ‘All’ in the top left. A drop will show you a bunch of categories PLUS, right at the top, will be ‘Best Sellers’.

Updated hourly, the Best Seller listings are a heirarchical list of what’s hot in all categories. You can even drill down a few levels to find a specific niche.

For example, you can start with ‘Clothing & Accessories’ and drill down in ‘Men’s Fashion’.

Amazon shows you the Top 100 items in any category.

Bonus Tip: This is also a great way to research when you want to break into a new region or marketplace.

Follow “New Releases” and “Movers & Shakers”

Just below ‘Best Sellers’ in the Trending section of the menu will be ‘New Releases’ and ‘Movers & Shakers’. Despite its name, ‘New Releases’ doesn’t just show you what is new on Amazon, it uses Amazon’s own A10 algorithm to identify which new and upcoming releases are also best-selling items.

‘Mover & Shakers’ will show you products that have had a recent significant upswing in sales.

Both sections can give you great insight into what is catching fire (hopefully not literally, as I am fairly sure that’s a violation of Amazon ToS!) in all categories.

Changes in Your Own Inventory

Sometimes we discount our own experiences in favor of thinking that other people have it figured out. But, this is not the case. You are sitting on top of one of the best indicators: what’s happening with your own sales and inventory on Amazon!

Understanding what is working and what isn’t on products that are already in your store can help you to decide what courses of action to take including building around the things you are having success with and improving on the things that you aren’t.

Inside of Zonmaster we are building out more and more financial tools to help you get a better view on what’s going on with your data. You can enter in your Cost of Goods (COGs) and landed costs and get a clear picture of your true profit. All of this can be done inside our ‘Profit Center’.

Monitor Your Niche’s Publications (and Websites)

Sellers of electronic products have access to dozens of great gadget and technology websites that discuss and review the most popular products throughout the year. Toy and game sellers can use various wish lists and message boards to find out what the hottest and rarest toys of the season are.

No matter what market you’re in, there are sure to be some great resources to add to your reading lists or watch lists. Facebook groups or Twitter lists can provide you with links to relevant articles in your field. Even sites like YouTube’s trending page can give you insights into products and Amazon market trends that influencers are talking about. Make it a habit to tap into the resources the internet has to offer so you can stay on top of niche trends.

Research Keywords

Looking at Amazon search trends can often provide valuable insight into what’s working for top sellers. Every now and then, it’s a good idea to simply search for the top keywords in your company’s field and see what comes up. Are the products that appear in the ads as top performers working well? What products are showing up organically on the first pages of search results?

Take notes on some competitors in your area and come back a few days later to look for changes in search rankings, sales rankings and reviews. This due diligence can help you determine which keywords are worth your advertising investment and what other trends you may be able to leverage to improve your profitability.

Monitor Reviews (on your products and others)

Take the time to delve into the review sections on the topics of interest. Products that generate lots of sales are also likely to generate lots of reviews. These reviews can tell you why the product in question is becoming popular. Is it a new innovation in the field? Is it something the buyer’s child has been asking for after seeing it on Tik Tok? Are there other products that have the same feature as this product that are also doing well on Amazon?

Negative reviews can also be helpful. Maybe you can see a recurring trend. Are buyers confused by the description of the product? Is there a way this product could be improved? Whether you’re planning to buy a private label product to compete with it, or you’re just brainstorming for your own product line, it’s very helpful to understand product strengths and weaknesses based on reviews.

Don’t forget that Zonmaster offers you a suite of tools to monitor your orders and products. And also (of course!) great tools to help you get reviews and feedback. And we support all Amazon marketplaces around the world. Start your free trial today!


The Power Of Labels

We’ve uploaded a new tutorial on YouTube that gives a quick overview of our new ‘Labeling’ feature that is available inside the Products area.

With Labels you can assign meaningful categories to your products so that you can quickly see how they are performing against each other.

We have pre-seeded your products with Labels based on the categories that Amazon thinks apply to each of your products. You can chose to remove these, or add additional labels of your own. (You can also re-scan the Amazon category labels if you feel you’ve made a mistake!).

As always, we look forward to your help in keeping Zonmaster the best Auto Responder tool for Amazon Sellers but more and more you will see us branching out into other post-sales, financial and listing management areas too! 2021 will be a big year for Zonmaster.

Of course, all features are available at all subscription levels, including the $6.99/month start level! Start your free trial today


5 Ways To Improve Your Listings

As an Amazon Seller – and if you want to be successful at it – you should be constantly focusing on listing quality. Here we’re going to quickly give you 5 key areas that you should be looking at.

We may have said some of these before, but listing quality is the number one factor in what affects your sales and your reviews (because failed expectations are the main reason listings get bad reviews).

1. Always Think Of The Algorithm

Amazon’s latest algorithm update – know as A10 – seems to put the most weight on:

  • Page Impressions
  • Conversions
  • CTR
  • Internal Sales

Having content that has the right keywords drives a lot of this so….

2. Look at Your Backend Attributes

(oh there’s a great joke in that title somewhere!)

Amazon’s backend attributes area lets you enter keywords that strongly affect ranking and discoverability. Backend attributes and Amazon’s focus on filling in “important product information” with the dashboard go hand in hand. It is a good idea to frequently revisit this in the Seller Central listings manager, especially for products you feel aren’t performing as well as they could.

3. Talk Yourself Up

Focus on the features that your customers love and need and brag about them! Don’t overstate (see the comment above about managing expectations) but don’t let the customer click away without knowing what your product does the best.

4. Look The Part

Amazon lets you add photos and video to listings – do it, and make them the best possible images and videos you can to highlight your products features and uses. Answer questions with your images.

Also, the best visual assets will let potential customers easily imagine this product in their own lives. Because of that, show a pic or video of your product in use! Not just boring soft-box product eye candy.

5. Tell A Story – The Readability Factor

We’ve all seen it – product listings that are like someone put a long list of keywords in a blender with some ‘ands’ and ‘ifs’ and then dumped it out on the page.

Amazon’s A10 Algo does detect readability. Write your listing like it’s a blog post or a story or a conversation with a potential customer. Point #3 above said to talk about your good points – but don’t over do it. Be friendly, not a used-car salesman.

Your listing is a perfect chance to present your brand and brand personality. Don’t throw that away.

When you have made the sale, don’t forget your after-sales responsibilities. There’s no better choice that Zonmaster as a way of communicating with your customers and monitoring your reviews and feedback. Start your free trial today and see for yourself!