
More Information At A Glance – Email Templates

We are going through the website and making some updates! Yeah! Finally!

On the Email Templates listings page we’ve given you more direct visibility of some stats and also more direct access to some functions.

Quick Stats

Now right from the email listings you can see your 3 most important stats.

  1. Number of emails queued or sent – let’s you know if the template is going out!
  2. Number of emails queued – quick look at how many upcoming emails we’ve got for this template
  3. Open rate – what percentage of people are reading this?

As always, if your open rate is 0 for ALL your templates, even those with a lot of sends, then you most likely have a problem with your configuration and you should read this article on the support portal.

Quick Actions

I know. It’s a pain that we made you open the email template first, then click on things like “Show Sending Details” and especially “Edit”! So now you can do these things directly from the listings.

  1. Edit
  2. Preview
  3. Sending Details/Queue
  4. Duplicate

You STILL need to go into the template to:

  1. Force Send
  2. Delete
Team Zonmaster

By Team Zonmaster

Phil Smy, a passionate software developer and tech entrepreneur with over 25 years of industry experience. Phil’s journey has taken him across diverse industries, from online gambling to kids toys, providing him with invaluable insights and expertise.

One reply on “More Information At A Glance – Email Templates”

Really like this improvement a lot. I wish the number of (lifetime) reviews (or the percentage would probably be even better) was also included in the quick stats.

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