As an Amazon Seller – and if you want to be successful at it – you should be constantly focusing on listing quality. Here we’re going to quickly give you 5 key areas that you should be looking at.
We may have said some of these before, but listing quality is the number one factor in what affects your sales and your reviews (because failed expectations are the main reason listings get bad reviews).
1. Always Think Of The Algorithm
Amazon’s latest algorithm update – know as A10 – seems to put the most weight on:
- Page Impressions
- Conversions
- Internal Sales
Having content that has the right keywords drives a lot of this so….
2. Look at Your Backend Attributes
(oh there’s a great joke in that title somewhere!)
Amazon’s backend attributes area lets you enter keywords that strongly affect ranking and discoverability. Backend attributes and Amazon’s focus on filling in “important product information” with the dashboard go hand in hand. It is a good idea to frequently revisit this in the Seller Central listings manager, especially for products you feel aren’t performing as well as they could.
3. Talk Yourself Up
Focus on the features that your customers love and need and brag about them! Don’t overstate (see the comment above about managing expectations) but don’t let the customer click away without knowing what your product does the best.
4. Look The Part
Amazon lets you add photos and video to listings – do it, and make them the best possible images and videos you can to highlight your products features and uses. Answer questions with your images.
Also, the best visual assets will let potential customers easily imagine this product in their own lives. Because of that, show a pic or video of your product in use! Not just boring soft-box product eye candy.
5. Tell A Story – The Readability Factor
We’ve all seen it – product listings that are like someone put a long list of keywords in a blender with some ‘ands’ and ‘ifs’ and then dumped it out on the page.
Amazon’s A10 Algo does detect readability. Write your listing like it’s a blog post or a story or a conversation with a potential customer. Point #3 above said to talk about your good points – but don’t over do it. Be friendly, not a used-car salesman.
Your listing is a perfect chance to present your brand and brand personality. Don’t throw that away.
When you have made the sale, don’t forget your after-sales responsibilities. There’s no better choice that Zonmaster as a way of communicating with your customers and monitoring your reviews and feedback. Start your free trial today and see for yourself!
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One reply on “5 Ways To Improve Your Listings”
[…] what do they find? We’ve covered elsewhere ways to improve your overall listing quality, but in this article lets dive into basic copywriting […]