
All You Need To Know About Amazon Buy Shipping

Amazon’s Buy Shipping service enables you to buy shipping labels individually or in bulk from recognized carriers. It also facilitates the shipping and confirm your orders, and the tracking your shipments. You can do all of this through either Seller Central or the Merchant API.

Buy Shipping ensures that your products are delivered to your customers using a trusted network of shipping carriers.

Buy Shipping – The Benefits

Amazon Sellers who use Buy Shipping can:

  • Buy labels in bulk – up to 100 orders at a time!
  • Track delivery status on the Orders page of Seller Central. Amazon claims to ‘instantly’ update tracking information as it comes in.
  • A-to-Z Guarantee Claim ‘insurance’ – if a buyer says the order wasn’t received, Amazon funds the claim, not the seller. Your stats as a seller are not impacted

Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP)

Amazon Sellers participating in the Seller Fulfilled Prime program must purchase their shipping from Buy Shipping. Even if you are not in SFP, if you use Buy Shipping anyway there is some indication that it eases acceptance into the program, should you wish to do so.

An interesting side-benefit of being in Seller Fulfilled Prime is that it allows the seller to ship even products labelled as containing hazardous materials (anything from batteries to hairspray!) via Prime.

Since participating in SFP means your listings get a ‘Prime eligible’ badge, and data shows that Prime users tend to filter on only Prime eligible products, it could provide a boost in sales.

Impact on Seller Feedback

Amazon allows sellers to remove Seller Feedback related to product shipping if the shipment was done using Buy Shipping – as long as you shipped within the Amazon shipment window.

Seller Feedback is one of Amazon’s key performance metrics when it comes to assessing a merchant. Having a way to remove negative feedback is big plus.

You can keep track of your Seller Feedback inside of Zonmaster, where you can get alerts any time a negative Seller Feedback comes in.

Team Zonmaster

By Team Zonmaster

Phil Smy, a passionate software developer and tech entrepreneur with over 25 years of industry experience. Phil’s journey has taken him across diverse industries, from online gambling to kids toys, providing him with invaluable insights and expertise.

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