
[Update] Revised Template Editing page

We’ve restructured the template editing page a little bit to group things together in a more logical flow (we think!).

Editing Template 1

So first we have the NAME of the template. This is an internal name that your customers won’t see, so you can call it anything you like to remind yourself what it does (e.g. “Order confirmation”).

After that we have a check box to activate the template. By default templates are created inactive, so you can save them while they are incomplete and not worry about them going out! Templates can be activated and deactivated on this editing page, or on the template’s details page or even just from the list of templates.

Next we have the SUBJECT, which is what will be seen by your customers. Remember that you can use our email variables in the subject line as well, so you can do something like “Thank you for your %%product_nick%% purchase”, which will substitute in the nickname (or if you haven’t filled in a nickname, the full listing title) of the product they bought.

The next line is where you target orders and set triggers.

First is ‘SALES CHANNEL’ where you can choose, or if you have a North American store, or,,, or if you have a European store.

Next comes the SEND TRIGGER, which tells us after what event in the lifetime of an order do you want to send this template out. Values can be Confirmed (meaning the order was completed and paid for on Amazon), Shipped, Delivered or Returned.

DELIVERY SETTING – the last option on this line – is to say when after the Trigger to send this email. ASAP, or a set number of hours, days, weeks or months. If you choose anything but ASAP you have to enter in a DELIVERY TIMEFRAME (eg 1 to go with your ‘hours’).

On the next line are some extra goodies – REPEAT BUYERS lets you choose if you want to send to Everyone or just new customers or only repeat customers. SHOW UNSUBSCRIBE LINK will put a quick link at the bottom of your emails so customers can blacklist themselves (don’t forget this is a legal requirement to have this link in Europe).

Finally is the rather confusing – and soon to be phased out – BACKDATE. We suggest leaving this active.

Choose Template Items

After you’ve set up all your administrative stuff you can choose which of your items will trigger this template.

Choose an item from the left list of all your items for sale and move it over to the right. Or you can click ‘Select All’ to choose them all.

Please be aware that if you add more items for sale, and you’ve chosen ‘select all’ in the past, those new items will NOT trigger this template. You’ll have to come back and edit the template.

Enter Template Text

Finally you can get down to writing the text of your email. For more sophisticated control, under the TOOLS menu you can VIEW SOURCE and edit the raw HTML source of the email.

Under the INSERT menu is INSERT TEMPLATE that will let you pick from our list of EMAIL VARIABLES.

We hope this breakdown of the page will help you create exciting templates to send to your customers!


[FAQ] Does My Message Meet Amazon Guidelines?

We aren’t Amazon. We can’t answer this question with certainty.

We would urge you to consult the Amazon Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions found here to ensure that the content of your message meets Amazon standards.


[FAQ] How Do I Stop Sending To A Certain Customer?

There are 2 ways you can stop sending to a customer about an order.

Blacklist the customer

Go to the Blacklist management page and click ‘Add New Entry’. Here you can type in one or many (one per line) Amazon seller email addresses (you know, those crazy type addresses). After clicking ‘Create Blacklist’ your entries will be added and those customers will never get another email via ZonMaster again. Ever.

You can also blacklist a customer from their detailed info page or from one of their order detail pages.

Stop Sending For The Order

If you don’t want to go all nuclear and blacklist the customer you can also click the red ‘Stop Sending For This Order’ button on any order’s info page.


[FAQ] What Do The Different ‘Send Trigger’ Values Mean When Setting Up An Email Template?

Confirmed – the order has been placed and payment has been received (order has been made official)

Shipped – the order has left the warehouse and it is on its way to the local office which will deliver the order to your customer

Delivered – the order has been delivered and is in the customer’s possession

Returned – the order has been returned by the customer



[FAQ] How do Variables work?

The “email variables” are essentially information placeholders for your messages.  For example, placing the %%buyer_first_name%% variable in your message body (ex. “Hello %%buyer_first_name%% !” – a greeting at the beginning of the message), will replace the variable placeholder with the first name of the customer who placed the order.
For any of the link variables (see the full list of system variables on the ZonMaster site), you can specify the text that should appear hyperlinked by adding a colon after the word “link” and typing in the text that you would like hyperlinked.  For example, if you want customers to contact you through Amazon and don’t want to use the web URL (ex., you could instead use the Contact variable like so: %%contact_link:Contact us%% The recipient would see the words “Contact us” as a clickable link that redirects to the Contact page on Amazon. This makes the email more visually appealing and easy to follow.
The most useful variables are %%buyer_first_name%% (replaces the code with the customer’s first name), %%feedback_link%% (link for your customer to leave seller feedback – specific to their order), and %%review_link%% (direct link for the customer to leave a product review on the product they purchased).
Remember that variables can be used in the subject of your email too!