
Improved Sales Rank Tracking for Multiple Marketplace Sellers

We’ve had Sales Rank tracking in Zonmaster since the beginning, but, finally we have gotten around to bringing it more up to date. The first step in these improvements – there are more to come! – is improving the tracking and display for those of you selling the same SKU in multiple marketplaces (we’re talking to you, Amazon EU sellers!).

On each product’s main page we now show you the marketplace in addition to the description and the latest ranking.


The ‘breakout’ links (after each Category name) will take you to that page on Amazon. The exception are these ‘display_on_website’ pseudo categories that Amazon has. We are working on a fix for that.

To see historical graphs, click on the small ‘See History’ text.

That will take you to a page showing you your Sales Rank histories.

We hope you like these more detailed charts and the better breakdown by marketplace.